I have been so busy lately that it really feels good to finally have some down time to write a new post. A couple of weeks ago our family went down to Taft California to visist with Grandma London and the rest of the fam. Our Boys had a great time swimming in the pool (well Ethan did anyway, David had to warm up to it). We all went together to Knotts Berry Farm and had a blast. Ethan LOVED the race cars and went on them like 6 times. We have some pics but I am going to have to get them off our video camera. Anyhow we spent about a week in Taft and on our way home we spent two very HOT nights in Sacramento for Greg's wedding (my brother). Anyhow we got back safe and sound and we had a great trip! It was a nice little break. Our Fourth of July Weekend was not spectacular, but it was ok. We went to a Civil War reinactment (I don't know if that is spelled right) and it was pretty cool (not the temperature). Then that night we were really brave and went to River Front Park ( A Really Really Really Popular Park
on the Fourth)Our experience there was nothing more than inhaling smoke, listening to drunk people ohhh and aww over the fireworks, and rude obnoxious people standing right in front of us the whole fireworks show. I now really do appreciate those quiet 4th of July Celebrations at home with the family. Even though we did not particularly enjoy that event we still felt patriotic and proud to be part of this great country. This semester is about to end for me and I will get a little break before Fall Semester so that is nice. It is looking good for another semester of straight A's, although I don't know if that is a huge accomplishment considering I only take 6 credits at at time, oh well. I better get going, it is getting late and I am feeling pretty tired. Until next time!