Ok so it has been about a week since David has been wearing his helmet and already there is a difference in the shape of his head. I am excited to see some results so soon. He is doing great! It does not seem to phase him one bit. It bugs me more than it does him! Anyhow I am feeling pretty tired because I just did some early spring cleaning and went through everyones closets and cleaned them out. Then I went through the toy box and got rid of some toys to make room for the new ones from Christmas. Why are kids so small and still end up taking up a whole bunch of space? Neil is studying again to get more certifications. Right now he is working on his Cisco certs and says its going to take a while for this one because it is a lot of material. I started my classes and hope to get all As. I'm only taking two classes but they involve a lot of reading so hopefully I will have the time to continue blogging. We are excited to hear from all of you so please email or leave comments if you can.
I love that litle boy and I totally enjoy your blog entries.
G Ma /Mom
Poor baby! Sometimes it seems like it will just never end, huh? I think he looks adorable though. :) Hopefully he won't have to wear it for very long and the great thing is he'll never remember if it is a nuisance for him!
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